Sunday, December 23, 2018

Everything you need to know about Urinary Tract Infections

Having sudden bowel movements while in a public space is the worst nightmare that an individual can face. The urge to go to the toilet somehow subsides because washrooms in public spaces are the dirtiest that one will find. Public toilets are used by thousands of people every day, and hence are home to millions of germs and bacteria. These germs are a breeding ground for diseases like diarrhea and Urinary Tract Infections.

Here’s everything about UTIs that you need to know, to protect yourself from the consequences of negligible public toilet hygiene.

What is Urinary Tract Infection?

Also known as a bladder infection, UTI is a common type of infection that is caused due to exposure of the bladder to bacteria. The bacterium, when exposed, enters the urinary tract and multiplies in number. The bacterium that has migrated into your body enters the kidneys, the bladder, the ureters, and the urethra. Causing a disturbance in the urinary tract, the UTI is a painful infection that causes visible discomfort to the person experiencing it.

The people who use public toilets are the most prone to this infection, as these public toilets are the breeding ground for UTIs. Cystitis is the type of UTI that affects the bladder, whereas urethritis is the one affecting the urethra. 

Poor public toilet hygiene is the evil, causing this infection, the symptoms of which are as under:

·         Pain or a burning sensation during urination
·         Frequent urge to go to the toilet
·         The strong foul smell of the urine
·         Change in the color of the urine
·         Problems in controlling the bladder

The symptoms of UTI may vary from person to person, but in most cases, they are highly painful and cause a lot of discomfort. However, when the infection spreads to the kidneys, more serious symptoms like fever, sudden chills in the body, and pain in the upper back, sides or the bladder occur, worsening the condition of the person.

Treatment of UTIs

While UTIs can be easily treated, we still believe that prevention is better than cure. One should prevent the exposure and bacteria in the first place to avoid the consequences that follow.

We would highly recommend you that you do not take medicines without a doctor’s prescription because if you do, you can worsen the condition. So do visit the doctor if you notice the above symptoms and get yourself treated for the same.
The treatment for a UTI is antibiotics, depending upon the bacteria that have taken charge of your bladder. The most common one is the E.Coli, which is found to be partying in public restrooms, which breeds due to a poor public toilet hygiene.

If you develop the symptoms of UTI, antibiotics are the way to treat them. So go visit your doctor, and treat your UTI.


Though UTIs are not that deadly, they can have some serious health consequences. So before the bacteria takes charge of you, prevent the infection by disinfecting the toilet seat every time you go to the washroom. Use a toilet seat disinfectant to get rid of those germs to have a safe toilet experience. Look for the best toilet seat sanitizer spray in India and visit the washrooms anytime, anywhere.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

How to Keep Fit in Travel?

Who didn’t like travel? Whether it is for business purpose or for personal holiday, you always want to make your travel hassle-free. Travel, eating or drinking is go all together when you are on a trip. But, unfortunately diarrhea, dysentery and UTI also come along for the ride. Then, what is the solution? Don’t worry; there are simple things you can do to reduce the chances of getting sick while traveling only you need to make yourself aware about the products which can make your travel experience better like supplements, sanitizer, Bathroom Sanitizer Spray and many more things.
Follow some suggestion to shape your health while travelling:
1.    Start with a healthy breakfast
Healthy breakfast fuels your energy for your rest of your day. So do not skip your breakfast especially when you are on a trip. Take yogurt on a daily basis and keep fruits with yourself to ensure your healthiness about your health. May be street food is the best way to know the culture of the particular place but stay away from the unhygienic or oily foods instead go for the steam food.
2.    Drink a ton of water while traveling
The best way to get hydrated in every season is water. There is nothing in the world which can match the usefulness of water, and make sure the water you are using must be germ-free, for that you can boil the water every time before you drink.
3.    Keep things which ensure your personal hygiene
The best way to keep you safe from common health issues is to be careful about your personal hygiene. Some general things like wash your hands before you eat and try to cover your mouth before you expose yourself to the sun. Use alcohol based sanitizer for your hand and toilet sanitizer for your washroom. Never ignore the germs present in the washroom and go for the best Toilet Seat Sanitizer in India for the best protection.
4.    Careful about food-related illness while travelling
If you caught diarrhea while you are away, don’t panic! Make yourself comfortable in the hotel room and ask for the good medicines from the hotel staff. Your body needs rest, medicine and a bathroom, also keep drinking water to stop the further problems.
Last note

Maintaining good health would be the last thing you will be concerned about. Follow the above tips for the smarter traveling and carry some useful yet safe things to ensure your good health.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Effective Toilet Tips for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful phases of a woman’s life. But it requires a lot of attention to be paid upon, especially during the later months. Women who are expecting face a lot of discomfort personally, including those daunting visits to the public restrooms.  It is highly important that you take care of your personal hygiene, as you can’t afford to have any infections due to an infected toilet seat.
So if you are pregnant, here are some tips to help you have a safe toilet experience:
1.      When you visit a public restroom, look for Indian style toilets, instead of the western ones. The one advantage of the former toilets is that there is no way that you will come into contact with the toilet seat, as you will be a foot above.
2.      If you think that you cannot use the Indian toilets, use the western style toilets, but before you do that you need to take some precautions. Do not touch the surface areas. The lesser things you touch in the toilet, the better. Also, if you happen to touch those areas probably to get support while you sit, make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet. To avoid coming in contact with those germs and still touch the faucets and other elements in the toilet, use the best toilet seat sanitizer India.
3.      Keep wet wipes, hand sanitizers, and tissues handy as you won’t have those supplies in every toilet that you visit. So keep these things like your travel essentials to come out clean after using the toilet.
4.      A toilet seat sanitizer spray is the perfect outdoor partner if you have to use that dirty western toilet. A toilet seat sanitizer spray is an effective disinfectant that kills 99.99% of germs within 10 seconds. Its fast action formula kills the germs almost instantly, without leaving any residue.
How to use: Just shake the bottle and spray it. Wait for a couple of seconds for the liquid to dry, and tadaa! The toilet seat is ready to use! Do you own a toilet sanitizer spray? If not, then buy toilet seat sanitizer online and enjoy a convenient and safe toilet experience.

Now that you are familiar with all the aforementioned tips, you can safely use the public washrooms, without having to worry about those germs, as they won't trouble you anymore. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Toilet seat sanitizers: the perfect hygiene partner for women

Are you a working woman who resists going to the washroom during office hours because it is dirty? Do you try controlling your bladder so that you don’t need to visit the washroom? Are you the one who has tried to squat in the washroom to avoid coming in contact with the toilet seat? Well, we feel you. While men have the liberty to stand and pee, women don’t. But that doesn’t mean that women can compromise on their hygiene. A toilet seat generally has millions of germs sticking to it, which are a breeding ground for diseases like Urinary Tract Infection.
To prevent coming in contact with the toilet seat, people, especially women apply the following alternatives:

  • ·         Performing the famous squat on the toilet seat.
  • ·         Using toilet seat covers to avoid germs and bacteria.
  • ·         Using the toilet seat sanitizer.

The first thing that you ladies do is not a complete solution at the time of emergency. To perform the squat, you need to be flexible enough and you need to hold that very squat for those five painful minutes. For the ladies who don’t believe in flexibility try the toilet seat covers. While they feel psychologically safe, thinking that they are protected from the germs, what happens is usually the opposite. They are exposed to more germs with those seat covers.

The third option is taken up by women who are aware and intelligent. A toilet sanitizer spray is a disinfectant that kills germs within ten seconds of being sprayed. When you enter a public restroom, just stand away from the toilet seat and spray the disinfectant 15 centimeters away from the seat. Wait for 10 seconds, and the seat is ready to use. The disinfectant’s formula is such that it kills 99.99% of germs in less than ten seconds, making the toilet seat safe to use. The liquid when sprayed forms a protective layer on the toilet seat, preventing contact of the germs with the skin. All you need to do is shake the bottle, spray, wait and use! 


Personal hygiene is an important element that you need to take care of, for a healthy lifestyle, and toilet sanitizers are just the way to do it. So to have a convenient toilet experience, online buy toilet sanitizer spray. Buy the spray before it’s too late! 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools

Children have the right to basic facilities such as school toilets and basic information on sanitation and hygiene. Water, sanitation, hygiene in schools creates an enabling environment which ensures children’s dignity, safety, and health. Children are more amenable and quick to adopt and sustain change. So, educating them about sanitation and hygiene or make them aware of how to ensure their hygiene is a must and beneficial so that they can maintain their own hygiene to avoid the common diseases.
For girls, it is very important to teach them about some basic health guidelines to ensure their body’s safety. If the toilet is not clean or lack any facilities, then they may suffer from UTI. The contaminated washroom increases the risk of UTI. The government should provide them a clean and hygienic washroom for their protection. Products like Toilet Seat Sanitizer or effective hand wash must be utilized in their washroom to avoid any unexpected happenings.

The big issues for girls living in rural areas
A data revealed that 70 % of households in India don’t have toilets and they prefer open grounds for toilets and roughly 60% people defecate in open. And the consequences in women are large.
In India, the government has committed to make access to provide good facilities in schools. Policies, programs and strategies resource allocations but nothing has been executed on time which makes life miserable for people living in rural areas.

Impact of awareness
Water, sanitation and hygiene education in schools makes a visible impact on the health and hygiene of children and with the awareness they can improve their health and hygiene practices. Making aware about the products like hand sanitizers, Toilet Seat Sanitizer Spray is also the best idea to ensure their health. It boosts the curriculum and teaching methods while promoting hygiene practices.

Regular hygiene which can be taught to children
·         Teach them the importance of Hand washes before having food.
·         Teach them to have safe handling of drinking water, and covered storage with a dispenser tap.
·         The proper way of using toilets.
·         Check water quality-testing on a regular basis.
·         Teach them for garbage disposal activity where children actually manage the garbage disposal in the school.
·         Training on how to recycle the waste material.
·         Ensure the menstrual hygiene in upper primary schools by providing access to sanitary napkins, toilets with cleaning and disposal facilities.
• Provide Hand washing facility close to the eating area.
• Give training on aids, educational resources, etc.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Toilet Health Hazards and More

Toilets act as one of the main needs for a hygienic human life. You should always build a toilet for everyday sanitization. Maintenance of the toilet is another main aspect which you should not forget. There are many Best toilet seat sanitizer sprays in India which can help you avoid the hazards easily.
It is important for you to have knowledge about some leading hazards which you can face if you don't maintain your toilets in regular intervals. You should always consider taking the necessary steps time-to-time to clean out the impurities from your toilet.

Skin diseases
Various skin diseases can happen to you if your toilet is unclean. Remember that your toilet seat can be the best place where several types of microbes can hide out and breed into enormous colonies. This micro-organism comprises several bacteria and fungi. If your skin comes in contact with them, you can be more prone to catching skin diseases.

Many of the microbes which thrive in the toilet seat can cause dysentery. They can contaminate your inner system via your skin or by mouth. You may start to experience the complications of dysentery. Always try to use the bathroom sanitizer spay which can help in the proper eradication of the harmful germs.

Rotten Odors

This is one of the primary problems you can face regarding your bathroom. Note that this situation arises due to water clogging or clogging of the toilet seat. Both these situations can fetch you with severe health issues comprising of infections in your internal organs causing a drastic abnormality in your digestive system. You can also experience symptoms like fever, headache, and nausea. This is the only reason you always need to consider to keep your toilet seat clean. There are many brands which deliver the outstanding qualities of bathroom sanitizer spays.
The products are well available in the market and you can easily buy them.

Advantages of proper toilet cleaning
There are many advantages of proper toilet cleaning. They are given below.

Proper cleaning makes your toilet easier to use
When you clean your toilet properly, it becomes easier for you to use it. If your toilet seat exposes a foul smell you might not be able to use it. Consider buying the best quality bathroom sanitizer sprays for better usage of the toilet.

Avoid hazardous diseases
You can avoid the above-mentioned diseases with ease if you take the correct measures to clean up your toilets. You should know the exact ways to clean up your toilets. Apply sufficient amount of toilet seat sanitizer spray in India which can help you to keep your toilet clean. This spay comes at a reasonable cost and can serve up to a month. 
You should always use spays to clean up the toilets.   

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Outdoor Events Are Better Planned With Portable Toilets!

Portable toilets are one of the most innovative inventions of recent times. It is an obvious fact that a toilet is one of the most necessary needs of human life. There are many advantages of portable toilets but the fact is that it should be clean.
You can buy toilet seat sanitizer online to ensure that the portable toilet is safe to use. The application of the toilet seat sanitizer is simple and you can get a completely safe and disinfected toilet in no time.
Advantages of the portable toilets
There are several advantages of portable toilets. Some of them are given below.
The primary advantage of the portable toilet is its user-friendliness. People of all ages can use it quite easily. It is well-efficient to serve the aged people with the desired comfort.
The portable toilets often act as public toilets in such places where construction is going on. On remote areas where constructing a permanent toilet can be tough, the portable toilets in the game. It is also good for physically disabled people. A range of portable toilets is made to ensure that they are wheelchair accessible. In order to stay hygienic using a portable toilet, you should use the toilet seat sanitizers. You can online buy toilet seat sanitizer spay to be safe at all emergency circumstances.
Diversified usage
A portable potty can be used in case of many outdoor events. In case of a gathering in such a place where permanent toilets are not amicable, the portable potty stands as a rescue. Even in case of camping and adventure, it is needed in a large spectrum. Many people don't consider taking the portable toilets when they go out for adventure due to the size but it can be a hygienic move.
The portable toilets are cost effective
As you should buy toilet seat sanitizer online for cost-effectiveness you should know that the same applies to the portable toilets.
In case of different malls and newly constructed buildings, the portable toilets are taking the front seat. This is happening due to the reason that building a permanent toilet takes a big budget. It is even the fact that cleaning a portable toilet is much easier than thoroughly cleaning a permanent toilet. You should consider to online buy toilet sanitizer spray and disinfect the portable toilet in no time.
Circus and nomadic groups can make an effective use of portable toilets
The circus groups can use the portable toilets as a regular hygienic thing. The people of the circus group have a nomadic life and portable potty can be their best friend while traveling in the long distances.   
Due to the above reasons, you should always consider using the sanitizers while using the portable toilets.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Correct Measures of Maintaining Public Toilets

Public toilets help you to answer nature's call in the most inconvenient times. But are you sure that the toilet you are using is actually safe for the usage? Toilet seat sanitizers can help you to be assured that the public toilet seat is free of harmful germs.
 There are some effective measures which must be taken to clean the public toilets. You can get an in-depth knowledge about it.

Every public toilet should be pre-cleaned
Pre-cleaning is the process where the toilet should be cleaned up for all the debris. The debris includes toilet papers, packets of cigarettes etc. In many of the public toilets in the country, many ill habits are followed by people. The liquid wastes also need cleaning. The toilet seat sanitizer spays help in quick clean-up of the toilet.

Correct disinfectants should be used
Whenever a public toilet is cleaned, it should be kept in mind that the correct type of disinfectant must be used. The application of the right type of disinfectant is important because it helps in the effective reduction of the microbial growth in the toilet seat. Nowadays a number of disinfectants are available in the market which can help in total clean up of the public toilet.

The floors of the toilet should also be cleaned
It is very important that the floors of the toilet should be cleaned. Harmful microscopic organisms grow in the floors of the toilets too. You can apply the toilet seat sanitizer on the floor of the toilet if it is made up of tiles. In case it is made of cement or marble you should apply phenyl.

The water appliances should be thoroughly cleaned
There are a number of water appliances which may be present in the public toilet. The flush machine can be the best place for hiding out for different bacteria and fungi. This must be considered as one of the main measures to be taken while cleaning a public toilet. Fungal growth in the flush machine or the wash basins can be a cause of foul smell in the public toilets. Moreover, the toilet seats can also catch the same problem. Toilet seat sanitizer sprays can be of the exact help right then.

Mirrors and Glasses of the public toilet should be cleaned properly
It is very important that all the glass appliances are cleaned in case of a public toilet. There might be a number of mirrors attached to the public toilet. Cleaned mirrors can help the user positively. A dirty mirror in a public toilet can carry a number of germs too.

So, you see that only toilet seat is not only the concern. There are other measures which need to be corrected too.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Toilet Sanitizer: Helping Businesses Stay Clean

When it comes to living a healthy life, hygiene and sanitation are the need of the hour. Posters all around the country showing clean washrooms are creating the buzz, that yes, we need hygienic toilets. And not does that only imply to public toilets, but also to those in workplaces.

So if you run a company and care for the well-being of your employees, pull up your socks! 
Unclean washrooms make room for germs to have a gala time while infecting you with diseases, one of them being UTI. A Urinary Tract Infection is one that is caused due to poor hygienic conditions. So why put your human resources at stake?

Clean toilets= a thriving workforce

When you are healthy, you work frantically, meet deadlines and earn appreciation. On the other hand when you are sick, you feel drowsy, work lazily and the whole office thinks that you’ve just survived a war. Why does that happen? Is it because of poor hygiene around you?

With the entire office using one tiny washroom, germs will persist. And if no one is there to clean it every time it is used; be ready for infections to make your life hell.
Sanitation in office washrooms is as important as in the public ones. Clean washrooms also have an added advantage: better productive and hence no more sick leaves! 
But what makes that happen: a toilet sanitizer spray! Even if your office washroom doesn’t have one, you can buy it to protect yourselves from harmful germs and bacteria. Just shake your bottle and spray the liquid on your toilet seat. Wait for five seconds for it to dry up and your toilet seat is ready to use! Not only the seat, you can use the spray on door knobs, faucets, and flush handles too. The spray is hardly a weight n your bag and also saves you from all those little monsters. 

If you are an employer,

·        Hire someone to clean the toilets.

·        Make sure that all essentials like toilet papers, toilet seat sanitizer sprays, hand wash soaps, etc are kept handy.
If you are an employee,
·        Flush before and after using the toilet.
·        Before using the toilet, do not forget to spray your magical seat sanitizer.
·        After use, wash your hands thoroughly.

A bathroom sanitizer spray comes with a fast acting formula that forms a layer of protection between you and the toilet seat, leaving absolutely no room for germs to enter, which means: 99.99% germ protection! Light, both in terms of weight and money, it is your friend for life. No more nose twitching as the toilet seat sanitizer’s freshness cuts through any existing bad odor. So if you have a seat sanitizer, pat yourselves on the back! You can compare and buy the best toilet seat sanitizer spray in India as you pledge for a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Promotional toilet Sanitizers - a Powerful Marketing Tool and Germ Fighting Tool

The condition of public restrooms in India

Most of the toilets in India are not safe and clean enough to use. Talking about the public restrooms or toilets in schools and colleges, infection and dirt are likely to catch your skin in no time. Women and children are the soft targets for the bacteria and viruses as they easily got infections. Most of the women are afraid of using the toilet while travelling instead they use to prefer fewer consumptions of water so they could control their will to go to the washroom. Today, many toilet seat sanitizers are introduced in the market to fight against infections causes from the toilet. By looking its effectiveness, the marketing of goods and services through toilet seat sanitizer is the perfect marketing tool. Now people prefer buying toilet seat sanitizer for their washrooms to avoid any risk of infection. Also, Online Toilet Seat Sanitizer is in demand nowadays.

What is toilet seat sanitizer?

A toilet seat sanitizer helps to sanitize and deodorize the washroom and the commode before using it. It protects you from many possible infections and toilet borne disease. Most of the toilet seat sanitizers can be used on the faucets and flush handles which ensure that you can have a clean experience while using public restrooms. You can also use the toilet sanitizer in your bathroom for a cleaner experience. Well, the additional advantage is that if you have guests at home, you can be assured that even they are having a clean experience in your washrooms!

Why Hyge?

Hyge is the most trusted toilet seat sanitizer. It can be your travel companion as it easy to carry. It has the antibacterial and highly effective sanitizing properties which kill all the bacteria or microbes within a second. It promises the clean and fresh experience of using toilets. It creates a protective layer for the skin to avoid direct contact with the toilet seats. It not only kills germs but also deodorizes the washroom. Hyge is the best product for those who love travelling as it reduces your hassle about the dirtiness of washroom. With Hyge, using public toilets are no more a problem in India. Always prefer Hyge if you are going to Buy Toilet Seat Sanitizer in India.

What Hyge has to offer?

The travel-friendly Hyge works within a second. It leaves no residuals on the surface of the washroom. It can be used anywhere such as hospitals, schools, colleges, malls, airports, etc. it is used to spray on toilet seats, doors, handles, taps, faucets, flush handles, etc. it provides overall protection in the washroom and reduces UTI risk.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Kill Bacteria This Flu Season with Promotional toilet Sanitizers

How to keep Hygiene in Flu season
With the cold and flu season underway, it’s time for hygiene and health responsible individuals to pay particular attention to their unclean toilets. People frequently touch their eyes, nose without even noticing it and bacteria will take no time to get into our body. Lack of proper hygiene especially in toilets can increase the risk of getting infected. Many people think that they can assure our cleanliness by just washing our hand but is this enough? 

Actually, flu mostly spread through our washroom area and if we remain ignorant about the hygiene in toilets then the chances of getting ill are increasing. Since the flu virus can live on hard surfaces for 24 hours, disinfect surfaces that the sick person has touched, we should be taken care of a sick person’s bedroom and bathroom. The washroom should be neat and clean not only commode but also doors, handles, flush handles, faucets, etc. to protect yourself from flu, it is just to maintain the hygiene in the washroom.

How Toilet seat sanitizers are useful in Flu
To fight against Flu, toilet seat sanitizers are considered to be the best way. It provides the protective seal against bacteria. It not only cleans your toilet seats but all the affected area such as doors, handles, faucets, flush handles, faucets, taps, etc. it is a very effective product which fights against harmful bacteria and protects you in this flu season. It is very important to keep your toilet area clean and germ-free to save yourself from the flu. And busy washrooms offer a perfect ground for bacteria, so you must carry toilet seat sanitizer with yourself wherever you go. You can also Buy Toilet Seat Sanitizer Online as there are many related products introduced in the market.

Why Hyge is the best?

Hyge is the most effective toilet seat sanitizer in the market today. It ensures your safety everywhere you use restrooms. It creates a protective layer for the skin and also avoids the direct contact with the bacteria or microbes. It has the fast acting formula which gives the result within a second without leaving any residue on the surface of the washroom and its pleasant smell will freshen up your toilet.  It will be your favourite travel companion as it is very easy to carry and its hygiene friendly feature will protect you from the flu. It can be used in malls, schools, colleges, trains, airports, etc. To Online Buy Toilet Sanitizer Spray, Hyge is the best as you can go to its website and see all the benefits it offers.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Is Hyge toilet Sanitizer Effective, and If So, Why?

The concept of Toilet seat Sanitizer
Firstly we need to understand the concept of toilet seat sanitizer and why it is useful for us. As we all know what are the ongoing situations of public toilets in India and most of us avoid using it. Today we need to be aware of toilet seat sanitizers so that we can use it every time before going to the washroom. It is the best product when it comes to travelling because the problems arise especially when we travel. So carrying a toilet seat sanitizer spray with you is surely is the best solution.

About Hyge

This is an excellent product that helps to eliminate 99.9% of the germs and bacteria on the toilet seat and ensures a safe and hygienic toilet experience. A few sprays of the toilet seat sanitizer starts disinfecting and sanitizing the area within some seconds. The toilet seat becomes completely clean and germ-free once sprayed on. It also acts a toilet seat deodorizer and leaves a pleasant smell that actually covered up the filthy smell of the public washroom. It is truly a toilet seat germ killer and a must-have product for all who travels often or use the public washrooms.

Why it is considered the most effective?

Hyge is the Best Toilet Seat Sanitizer in India and is specially designed to guarantees us a safe, clean and hygienic toilet experience. It contains ISO-Propyl Alcohol and Benzalkonium Chloride which is a highly effective sanitizing agent and an antibacterial sanitizing agent which assures our safety and cleanliness. It’s fast acting formula works within 5 seconds and leaves no residue on the spread area of the washroom. It also deodorizes the toilet and gives the fresh and pleasing experience of using public toilets. It reduces many health-related problems such as urine infection, rotavirus, cold virus, diarrhoea, etc. by killing all the bacteria and other microbes present in the washroom.

How & where it is used?

Hyge is used almost anywhere such as hospitals, schools, colleges, malls, airports, workplace, trains etc. it can be sprayed on toilet seats, door, handles, faucets, flush handles, tabs to make the washroom germ free. Shake the bottle before spraying, then leave for 5 seconds and the toilet is ready to use. Hyge is one of the best Toilet Sanitizer Spray in the market today which ensures the hygiene of your washroom experience.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Why you must pack Hyge spray if you are a frequent Traveler

Frequent travellers cannot avoid using public washrooms at any cost even after knowing the cons of using those unhygienic public toilets. Every now and then travellers are using public toilets and due to insufficient cleaning, they are probably the causes of all types of toilet infections because it is the most contaminated place. The frequent travellers who are using those public toilets are more likely to get affected by germs if they do not carry proper hygienic products with them. Best toilet seat sanitizers can help the frequent travellers from getting contaminated with toilet germs.

Door Knob Bacteria’s

Travellers are mostly unaware of the type of disease that can harm their body only because they are using public toilets. Public toilets are the origin of many diseases. Even the doors of the toilets that are used by numerous ongoing people are unhygienic. There are many toilet seat sanitizers India which is best for public use and every frequent traveller should have this in their luggage as this is an important product that can help you during emergencies.

Vaginal Infections

The frequent women travellers are likely to get vaginal infections if they do not carry Best toilet seat sanitizers while they are travelling. Public toilets are the most unhygienic place a traveller ever visits in the whole journey of travelling. But is also an important place for every traveller during an emergency. Women’s are usually prone to such infections because they sit and use the toilets and the vagina is usually affected.

Toilet Seat Bacteria’s

The toilet seats in public toilets are the most unhygienic ones because they usually do not have lids and during an emergency, people use it the way it is. There are many toilet seat sanitizers India which helps travellers from such unhygienic situations. Spraying hygiene sprays available in the market before using the toilets seats is a good habit and this can also keep you away from various germs.

It is, therefore, a must product that every traveller should pack before they leave for their destination because it is tough to tackle an emergency toilet situation and using toilets that are unhygienic can even worsen the health because it has been examined by many doctors that about half a percentage of disease come from public toilet usages as bacteria’s breed there. Other healthy habits such as washing hand after using toilets can also help from such diseases.